51’ x 30’ basketball court


Completed this family’s Christmas present this week. One of my favorite parts of my business is seeing the mom & dad’s excitement when we complete the court. The kids just watch with anticipation and the parents are just as eager to play on it. Let the new family memories begin on this 51’ x 30’ basketball court.

Early Childhood Court


Early Childhood Court is ready to go!!! Their new Versacourt basketball court is ready for the little dribblers to begin their journey. Not only can they play basketball but they also have access to four square and hopscotch on their multi Sports Game Court.

Big Blue (130’ x 60’)


Big Blue (130’ x 60’) is enjoying the foot steps over at Gateway Academy. We had to remove and old court and improve their drainage. Water now flows under the tile and allows the kids to not get wet when playing outside when it is raining.

100’ x 46’ custom court


100’ x 46’ of custom court sweetness to compliment the man cave! Doesn’t it look phenomenal at night! You are looking at a custom tennis / basketball / pickleball / volleyball court with dual pod led lights. Hoop Pros is building memories 1 day at a time!

70’x30’ pickleball / basketball / shuffleboard custom outdoor court


Finished @hardysrvparks 70’x30’ pickleball / basketball / shuffleboard custom outdoor court with logo and ball containment fencing. It looks awesome and compliments their movie theater and pool area! It was a blast to be a part of the next up and coming brand of RV Resorts! Let the memories begin!

28′ x 28′ Training Court


28’ x 28’ Athletic training court is in place and ready for serious training regimens @beyondphysicalfitness. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your business’ future growth

Heritage Grand Estates – pickleball courts


Heritage Grand Retirement community has their first dual court pickleball tournament scheduled for this weekend. It was enjoyable getting to know everyone and a very exciting experience for Hoop Pros to remodel their old court and turn it into a multi sport complex with pickleball, basketball, & shuffleboard. Let the Games Begin!!!

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